A N N E  D E  M O N T A R L O T
Who are you?

The MBTI is the world’s most popular personality assessment.

The MBTI instrument (Myers-Briggs) is the indispensable tool for career planning. It delivers practical results that can be used in a variety of situations: from choosing university majors to choosing your first career, to developing within your existing career or changing jobs.

It divides people in 16 personality types. Each type holds its unique strengths and challenges. There is no right or wrong answers.

You will find out:

  • How you make decisions
  • How you prefer to get information and orient your life
  • The best way to make professional choices in coherence with who you are and identify the tasks that fulfils you the most
  • Improve your communication style
  • Understand the differences and conflict between people to manage them instead of feeling stock and angry
  • Develop your potential
  • Team Building